Whats been on my mind recently has been my lack of getting involved in Islamic activities, programmes and Ibaadah. So Mashallah, Allah has given me enough hidaaya to read my salaah, read a little etc..but what I feel Im really missing out on is being in Islamic environments, really involved you know? We cant really say that there arent opportunities here in London...and besides, when my husband and I moved to the UK, it was one of the main motivators for this place- the abundance of programs and opportunities Mashallah
So, I have decided to take small actions Inshallah in my daily life to up my game. We attend online halqa weekly, but instead of pottering around while its on, I want to stop, take the 1 hour to give all my attention and really reap the benefits, Inshallah
And there is a talk on a Friday at our nearby masjid that we have no excuse not to attend!
So thats my first few steps, my little actions and Inshallah the idea is to keep these up, and then add more in.
Any other ideas for little actions we can take?
May Allah make it easy for us and help us make the most of opportunities to come closer to HIM and earn His pleasure. Inshallah Aameen
Hang on to every hope
11 years ago