I marvel at the majestic mounds of sand morsels we call mountains...
Their fresh, lush, dense foliage bursting out like fountains...
I'm amazed by the alluring azure vastness we call the sea...
And its whimsical white shores seem so free...
I'm fascinated by the flourishing flowers...
Their radical range of shapes.
The spectacular spectrum of colours...
I wonder into the wilderness...
How many millions more creatures have we missed...
I feel the flush of wind on my face...
Who taught it to blow breezes, give out gusts, hurl out hurricanes?
Where does it come from? Which place?
By who's hand, could come such lavish lands?
I see the sun as it shines to enlighten my soul...
And then the puzzle pieces become whole...
Allah hu akbar!
None other than our Rabb, our Sustainer, our Provider...
Could create such spleandour
Such beauty,
With Such Harmony,
Such tranquility,
Such mercy,
Oh my beloved Allah, lord of all that is in the heavens and the earth, and all that lies between them...
Grant me the tenderness of taqwah and purity of imaan to appreciate the bounties and wonders you have given us, to be a grateful servant and to praise you and you alone.
Hang on to every hope
11 years ago
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